
Showing posts from March, 2021

INTERJECTIONS | Definition And Examples

 Interjection Definition:- Word or Phrase that expresses some sudden feeling or emotion is called an Interjection.                                       'Or' An Interjection is a word or phrase that expresses something in a sudden or exclamatory way especially an emotion. The highlighted words in the following sentences are the examples of Interjections:- 1.  Alas!  The emperor is dead. 2.  Wow!  It looks pretty. 3.  Congratulations!  You've finally achieved it. 4.  Bravo!  You did. 5.  Hello!  How do you do ? 6.  Ouch!  I got hurt. 7.  My goodness!  How terrible you write. 8.  Oh dear!  I don't know what to do about this. 9. It's time for outings. Cheerio! 10.  Ahh!  That feels delightful.

CONJUNCTIONS | Kinds, Examples And Their Correct Use.

Conjunctions A Conjunction is a word that joins two words, phrases, clauses or sentences.  There can be two kinds of Conjunction   Co-ordinating Conjunctions.  Subordinating Conjunctions. Co-ordinating Conjunctions   These conjunctions join words, phrases, clauses or sentences  of equal rank; as   Noun with Noun. Mohan, as well as Sohan, is my friend. Verb with Verb. We worked and played together. Adjective with Adjective.  He is sad but hopeful. Adverb with Adverb. He spoke loudly and angrily. Phrase with Phrase. She is happy with you but angry with me. Sentence with Sentence.  He worked hard, yet he failed. The chief Co-ordinating Conjunctions are: and, but, for, or, nor, also, either...or, neither...nor. Subordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions join a Subordinate Clause to its Principal Clause. (Tell me) where (he lives). (I don't think) if (he would pass). (I know) why (he has come here). (I was away) when (Misha came he...